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Contact form

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To benefit from our co-packing expertise?
To speak to our purchasing team?
To leave a compliment or make a complaint?
Or something else?

Then write to us:

All fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

You have questions about our divisions?

Click the matching logo to go directly to that division’s contact form:




Whistleblowers should use the whistleblower system

You would like to pay us a visit?

This is where you can find us:

By clicking on the route description you will be redirected to Google Maps.

Valensina GmbH

Ruckes 90

41238 Mönchengladbach



Valensina GmbH Werk Vechta

Schwichteler Straße 14

49377 Vechta



Wolfra Bayrische Natursaft Kelterei GmbH

Justus-von-Liebig-Straße 8

85435 Erding



Our company philosophy
Our powerful brands